When: November 10, 11:30-12:40
Where: Oklahoma City Coworking Collaborative (see Meeting location)
Topic: Lighting Talks
Chad Gorshing - How to write untestable code
Brent Vaughn - JSF 2
Shane Kemption - Software Bill of Rights
Ryan Hoegg - Biography of Duke
Mitch Blevins - Automatic test data generation
Grzegorz Bugaj - JSFConsole
Ash Lux - Google App Engine
Scott Centille - JavaFX
Les Martin - Wicket
Forrest Humphrey - Mule ESB
11:30 am - Welcome Announcements
11:40 am - Main Presentation
12:40 pm - Wrap Up
Lightning Talks Wikipedia:
A Lightning Talk is a short presentation given at a conference or similar forum. Unlike other presentations, lightning talks last only a few minutes and several will usually be delivered in a single period by different speakers.
Come prepared for a session jam packed full of information overload as a line up of great minds in our community present in 5 minute intervals topics ranging from JSF to Google App Engine to a bit of Java History and a little best practices sprinkled in. DON’T FORGET TO REGISTER!!! If you can’t make it, you can catch a live stream here.
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