April 2008

Lunch Meeting (register here)

When: April 8, 2008 12:30-1:40

Where: University of Phoenix room changed to 308 (see Meeting location)

  • Topic: Spring in Action

Speaker: Craig Walls


  • 12:30 am - Welcome Announcements

  • 12:40 am - Main Presentation

  • 1:40 pm - Wrap Up

Evening Meeting (register here )

When: April 8, 2008 5:30PM

Where: University of Phoenix still in room 311 (see Meeting location)

  • Topic: Spring in Action

Speaker: Craig Walls


  • 5:30 pm - Pizza, welcome announcements, and main presentation

  • 6:30 pm - Wrap Up

Presentation Information

Spring has been one of the most exciting frameworks to emerge in the past few years. With Spring you can decouple your application’s objects, enrich them with AOP, and apply transactional boundaries and security to them declaratively. It simplifies data access, remoting, web services, and JMS. It comes with its own web framework. And, even though Spring eliminates much of the need for EJBs, it will still integrate nicely with any EJBs you may have lying around. What’s not to love?

Everyone’s favorite Java framework continues to improve, with significant enhancements in Spring 2.0 and many more slated for the upcoming Spring 2.1 release. Maybe you’ve already seen or read about Spring and perhaps you’ve even developed applications using Spring. But have you seen the latest that Spring has to offer.

In this example-driven presentation, I’ll lead a guided tour through the key features of Spring, with an emphasis on what’s new in Spring 2.0 and what is to come in Spring 2.1. Whether you’re a Spring newbie or a seasoned Spring developer, there’ll be something new for nearly everyone.


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